Das Burnout-Syndrom : Umgang mit Belastungssituationen im schulischen Setting Vergleich von Lehrpersonen unterschiedlicher Schultypen

Ruetz, Nathalie, 2021
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Medienart Buch
Verfasser Ruetz, Nathalie Wikipedia
Systematik JM.D - Masterarbeit Pädagogik
Systematik PDF.M.P - E Bücher Masterarbeit Pädagogik
Schlagworte Interaktion, Forschungsmethode, Depression, Burnout, Lehrberufe, Forschungsfrage, Gesellschaftlicher Wandel, Dauerstress, Symptomatologie, Methodische Zugänge, prozesshafter Verlauf, Beschwerliche LehrerInnen, beziehungsweise, Interviewpartner,, Arbeitsbelastung
Ort Stams
Jahr 2021
Umfang 61
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Masterarbeit 2021
Sprache Deutsch
Verfasserangabe Nathalie Ruetz. Mag. Dr. phil. Dr. med. univ. Günther Thöni
Annotation Abstract
The paper at hand is separated into two comprehensive sections. The first part consists of
comprehensive theoretical aspects in terms of orientation. Thus, on one hand the focus is
on definition and description of burnout and on the other hand on the symptoms, impact
and consequences of the disease itself. Referring to the profession of teaching, the main
explanatory approach to recover from burnout getting characterized, which might
depends on daily burdens, changed teaching role, the assumption of society and the
individual condition of the respective person. In the course of this process the empirical
social research and the used method of research is getting explained precisely and the
social reality of the participants compared with theoretical concepts. Thus, the research
question “How teachers cope with daily burdens” can be answered. In the last section
devices against burnout getting shown accurately, the execution in schools precisely
specified and the significance of relaxation elucidated.
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41718 JM.D, Rue
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